Looking for a business address right in the heart of things? WeWork St. James offers 3 floors of Boston office space in a historic building that spans the full block between Arlington and Berkeley Streets. Originally completed in 1922, this grand building now houses French, Turkish, Spanish, Portuguese, and Colombian consulates.
Larger companies appreciate this central co-working space, with its access to the Financial District, and abundance of commuting options—one block from the Green Line, two blocks from Back Bay Station, close to 90 and 93, and steps from a bike share station. Impress your clients with Boston’s finest hotels, restaurants, and shops in the area, or take things more quaint with the farmers market across the street in Copley Square. Put your company in the center of the action at WeWork St. James.
Gracias al equipo de Workthere encontramos el sitio ideal acorde a nuestra necesidades, son un equipo fantástico de profesionales que nos ayudaron a entender todas las posibilidades que teníamos y cual encajaba mejor con nuestras necesidades. Explicaciones claras y sin rodeos, ha sido un placer trabajar con ellos.