Le parc de la Haute Borne est depuis quelques années déjà une zone en pleine expansion. Il accueille depuis toujours des sociétés innovantes, de recherche et développement ainsi que des espaces de travail offrant un cadre de vie atypique. Une success story qui dure depuis 17 ans avec près de 200 entreprises et plus de 8000 salariés, ce qui en fait un véritable lieu de vie cosmopolite.
I am delighted to have worked with Kim and her team in Workthere. Kim was wonderful from the start. She listened, understood our needs and came up with a very suitable list of properties to start with. When we could not find a match after a few visits, Kim kept looking and found a solution that worked for us in terms of price/quality. This is the third time I have used Workthere in the last five years as we grow our business in Ireland, I have found Kim represents the quality and culture of this organisation - responsive, knowledgeable, professional, client-focused.