Cet espace est situé dans un hôtel particulier atypique de 300m2 de bureaux ultra-lumineux dans un espace au pied de la tour Eiffel. A 50 mètres du métro Dupleix, cet espace dispose d’une allée arborée privative permettant d’y mettre vélo, scooter, et bien-sûr des tables pour les beaux jours. Le centre vous propose l’ensemble des services indispensables pour développer votre business dans les meilleures conditions le tout dans des formules tout compris : mobilier, wifi, salle de réunion, accueil, café, thé, bonbons.
I am delighted to have worked with Kim and her team in Workthere. Kim was wonderful from the start. She listened, understood our needs and came up with a very suitable list of properties to start with. When we could not find a match after a few visits, Kim kept looking and found a solution that worked for us in terms of price/quality. This is the third time I have used Workthere in the last five years as we grow our business in Ireland, I have found Kim represents the quality and culture of this organisation - responsive, knowledgeable, professional, client-focused.