Located at the Penthouse of Suntec Tower One, WANGZ Business Centre is indeed the 'Centre at the Top'. It offers a business address that is the envy of every businessman who views corporate image as something critical to the success of his business. Their modern facilities, unparalleled convenient location with a suite of amenities, flexible tenure and access to a team of dedicated support staff promise to provide you with total office solutions so that you can commence business operations immediately and fully focus on your business, leaving the running of your office to their dedicated team.
This totality of business services will definitely enhance your business opportunities.
Wir haben nach einer Auslandsniederlassung im Vereinigten Königreich gesucht und haben aufgrund unserer engen Zusammenarbeit mit Savills von Workthere erfahren. Freddie von Workthere gelang es, innerhalb weniger Wochen unseren bevorzugten Standort zu sichern. Ich war äußerst beeindruckt von Freddies Professionalität und seiner hilfsbereiten und freundlichen Art. Zudem kennt er den Markt wirklich gut.”